Projects finished and unfinished.

Well, as I promised Sunday, I have photos of two of the current works in progress and one finished object.

First up is the fingerless mitts!

 And now for socks!


These were all taken where I work since it isn't as cluttered as home is right now. Right now, mom and I are trying to sort through the several years worth of... Stuff that we've managed to accumulate, and throw out what needs it, donate what we can't use, and store/find a home for what we can. This... Is going to take awhile, especially since Bruce doesn't really do ish to help us out, and our work hours don't always let us help each other out. But we'll get to a nice tidy house eventually. I hope...

Anyway, I'll get photos of the other projects sometime either this week (again, at work) or this weekend somewhere where I won't mind taking pics of them.

Tchuss for now!


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