Huzzah, Spring and a BatPolaris!

       Yes, dear reader, you read the title right. Mom and I ran into a random BatPolaris on the way home from doing a bit of grocery shopping.

Wait... Not literally right?

       Nope, we didn't pull a Bruce and near go into the wrong lane while falling asleep/lusting after a nicely restored classic car. (Trust me, he's done it. The falling asleep while driving this past weekend, and the lusting after a classic car a couple years ago.) The car's going to have to go back to Sloop's to have the power steering schiesse repaired again, dammit, so we wound up walking over to our nearest Giant with a cart. (Nope, didn't go and steal one from Weis/Giant. We aren't rude like that. We've got one of the little white granny carts for hauling groceries/laundry. Useful things, those.) Since it's actually been decently warm the last few days, there were flowers already starting to bloom that, since I had my camera in my bag, I took photos of. Y'know, as one does while out walking with one's mom.

Wait, where's the BatPolaris?

       Don't worry, I'm getting there. On the way back, we came around the corner of the Carlisle Ribbon Mill building, and lo and behold:
The elusive BatPolaris outside McCarren Supplies!
      My honest immediate reaction: 'Oh my god, BatMobile! I must document this for the Blog!', and proceed to photograph.

Yes, that really is a Batman Pop! vinyl bobblehead on his dash.
Extra point given for getting the irony of the design and going with it.


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