I'm back! With yet another video from tha' youtubez!
Ok, I know, that last bit was kind of bad, but eh. Need to lighten this place up some, hm?
Why am I posting this anyway? Because when I was watching it last night (super late, as I'm a fragging night owl. Don't judge.), I was noticing a few similarities to some of the stuff I have pop up sometimes. Mostly that I can't easily deal with large crowds, having to call people, and feeling like people are judging/talking about me. Now, this doesn't always happen, but it does pop up, especially the not liking to be in big crowds. Which would explain the not liking to go to The Capital City Mall on Black Friday... Or any other day it's likely to be super extra crowded. And, much like Leah, I've come to learn how to deal with it on my own terms, mostly because I'm not comfortable talking about shit like what I'm feeling with anyone else. Which is kind of counter-productive, I know, but eh. We all have our quirks.
If you're interested in more information, I'll have a page up over on the right with links to more info in the next few days.