Tweaking the blog

Yup, I'm having fun tweaking how the blog looks and where things are. I'm going to be doing this for the next few days to get it up to par for how I'd like it to look. Officially, my profile info, fundraising pages (More on those in the next... couple days. I need mom to sit down with me to go over exactly what we need on the house, and to film a Patreon bit.), blog archive, and labels will be over on the left side of the screen, and lists of links to various things I like and the pages will be over on the right hand screen. If you'd like to follow me on Twitter, Youtube, and get an extra link to my Patreon page, that's up top under the title header. Email follow signup and video bar are both at the very bottom of the page. That's all constant. However, I'll likely be adding more lists of links to the right, and editing the lists already there, so keep an eye on those. Also, I'll be going through my pictures to edit one down to put up in the title header, so watch that. 

Why am I mixing things up? Well... I'd like to make the blog look more like someplace I'd actually like to hang out. Somewhere a little dark, possibly a little disturbing, and accepting of the darker things of this life. More Goth-looking, with a bit of a bright pop of color to brighten things up. I hope you guys like the changes. And feel free to leave feedback! (Or money for coffee... Mmmm, coffee...)

That's all for now, dearies!


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